From January 1980 to December 1984, 22 children with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were admitted to the "Instituto da Criança-HCFMUPS" and according to the LNH-I-80 Protocol including a remission induction phase (Cyclofosfamide day 1, Vincristine days 3, 10, 17, 24, Daunomycin days 12 and 13, Prednisone for 30 days), followed by a continuation phase (Cyclofosfamide x 7 days + Adriamycin day 8 ARA-C x 4 days + Vincristine day 5, Mercaptopurine x 4 days + Methotrexate day 5) alternating three pairs of drugs during 72 weeks. Mercaptopurine and Methotrexate given during additional 48 weeks completes therapy. Twenty-one out of 22 patients attained complete remission. One patient died after widespread infection. Six relapses occurred, five of them in Burkitt's lymphoma patients. Although highly effective in the non-Burkitt's patients, the LNH-I-80 Protocol failed in keeping Burkitt's patients in event free survival.