In a retrospective study, we used a series of 29 patients with Sjögren's Syndrome diagnosed according to the new European criteria (Cl. Vitali, S. Bombardieri, H. M. Moutsopoulos et al.) (8). (Arthritis Rheum 1993; 36:340-7). A labial biopsy technique allowed to classify these patients into the anatomical "scores" formerly related by Chisholm and Mason and Chomette et al. Referring to these criteria, only 45% of patients presented a characteristic histopathological pattern. If another complementary criterium, i.e. ductal tropism of lymphoid infiltrates, was added, that percentage remained low (50% only). Thus, these results would suggest the following considerations: the classical histopathological criteria do not seem sufficiently specific; other histological criteria such as ductal lesions previously noted by Leroy et al. must in addition be looked for; thus it would seem to be of considerable value to use in the future complementary quantitative studies by means of morphometric methods.