One hundred cases of hypertensive complications due to irregular drug-therapy were studied in medicine units of Dhaka Medical College Hospital for the period of one year from February 7, 1989 to February 6, 1990. Among those stroke had headed the list (48%) manifesting in various ways e.g. cerebral haemorrhage with focal neurological signs--hemiplegia, hemiperesis, aphasia etc. Hypertension associated with varying degrees of cardiac ischaemias and heart failure was seen in 14% and 10% cases respectively. Highest incidence of complications was seen in 1-5 years after detection of hypertension with mean age of 55 +/- 18.70 years. Out of 48 cases of strokes, smoker were 41 (75.92%). Regarding reasons of noncompliance of drugs, personal carelessness was the prominent one (47%). Among the risk-factors for atherosclerosis family history tops the list (66%). Diabetes coexists with hypertension in 13% cases. Ocular complications were seen in 06% cases of malignant hypertension with variable retinal changes.