During the recent 5 years between 1988 and 1992, 254 cases of breast cancer were experienced in the Tsukuba University Hospital. Of them, 80 cases were palpable cancers measuring less than 2cm and 37 cases were nonpalpable cancers. The total of early cancers was 117 cases, 43.3% of all cases. Noninvasive carcinoma without minimally invasive carcinomas were 35 cases, 13.2% (ductal ca: 27, lobularca: 2, Paget ca: 6). According to the palpability of tumour mass, the sensitivity and accuracy rate of palpable early masses are 56.6% and 88.4% by physical examination, 57.9% and 96.4% by mammography, 77.6% and 82.5% by echography respectively. Those of nonpalpable diseases are 29.0% and 88.8% by physical examination, 42.9% and 91.2% by mammography, and 32.1% and 76.8% by echography. The sensitivity of echography for palpable breast cancer is extremely high. On the other hand, mammography is the most effective for nonpalpable cancer. For the detection of noninvasive carcinoma, characteristics of nipple discharge, measurement of CEA in nipple discharge and erosion of the nipple are other important factors.