As part of our ongoing work to develop the new non-isotopic assay method carbonyl metalloimmunoassay (CMIA), whose efficacy has already been proven in the laboratory for phenobarbital and cortisol, we here present the steps involved in establishing CMIA of 5,5 diphenylhydantoin (DPH), one of the most commonly used antiepileptic medications. First, anti-DPH antibodies were obtained by injection of the immunogen DPH-3-valerate-BSA into rabbits. The titer value and specificity of these antibodies were examined by RIA using [14C]-DPH as tracer, and an antibody batch selected for its high titer value and good specificity for metabolites of DPH and other antiepileptic drugs. Next the organometallic complex Cr(CO)3-DPH, chosen as the CMIA tracer, was synthesized and shown to conserve a high recognition value for anti-DPH antibodies (CR = 200%). Isopropyl ether was selected as the best organic solvent for use in separating the free and bound fractions of the tracer. Employing the Cr(CO)3-DPH complex as tracer and FT-IR spectroscopy as the detection method, we were able to obtain a titration curve by CMIA using an amount of tracer identical to that used in RIA. The titer value obtained in CMIA is approximately twice that obtained by RIA. These results demonstrate the feasibility of DPH assay by the CMIA method.