We have examined the interactions between interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-3 (IL-3) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in the regulation of IgE/antigen-induced secretory responses of mouse peritoneal mast cells. The cytokines were added either alone or in various combinations to cultured mast cells sensitized passively with IgE antibody. In experiments with unfractionated peritoneal cells (containing approx. 1% mast cells), IL-3 and IL-4 enhanced in an additive manner antigen-induced release of serotonin (5-HT), while IFN-gamma inhibited release regardless of whether IL-3 and/or IL-4 were present. In experiments employing mast cells purified to > 90%, IL-3 and IL-4 retained their enhancing activities whereas the inhibitory effect of IFN-gamma was considerably diminished. Nevertheless, IFN-gamma still inhibited significantly IL-4-enhanced secretion. The effects of IL-3 and IL-4 +/- IFN-gamma on arachidonate release were identical to those seen for 5-HT release, indicating that the secretion of both preformed mediators and newly synthesized eicosanoids is regulated in a similar way by these cytokines.