From 1978 to 1991 we observed 10 patients who developed femoral arteriovenous fistula after venous puncture for hemodialysis. The fistula most often appeared after several punctures, but 3 developed after a single puncture. Diagnosis was made on the basis of local observation and auscultation of the vessel (bruit + thrill n = 10, hematoma n = 4, pulsatile mass n = 1). Two patients had arteriography and 2 had echo-doppler. Arteriography was not required for diagnosis (since clinical signs were sufficient), or for treatment, since echo-doppler and surgery indicated the location of the fistula. Five patients underwent surgery. In all cases, continuity of the main vessels of the lower member was maintained or reestablished during surgery. Surgery is mandatory for high flow rate. Such fistulas cannot be used and can cause cardiac failure in patient with another fistula for hemodialysis. Surgery should not be undertaken too early because of the possibility of spontaneous clotting (particularity if echo-doppler shows low flow rate), and to allow organization of the lesions and easier dissection. Auscultation of the vessel should be a routine procedure after any femoral vein puncture in order that this complication not be overlooked.