Recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies found abnormalities of medial temporal lobe and basal ganglia structures. We used an inversion recovery (IR) protocol with the assistance of the Talairach atlas to identify neuroanatomical regions of interest in 19 male schizophrenic patients and 14 matched control subjects. The patient group showed smaller amygdala-hippocampus volume as compared with normal control subjects. This finding was more pronounced for the left side, although no diagnosis X side interaction was present. Third ventricle volume was also enlarged in schizophrenic patients. Trends toward an overall reduction of basal ganglia (striatum and lenticular nucleus) and limbic structures and toward an increase in ventricle-brain ratio were also seen. The study confirms previous evidence of mesial temporal lobe shrinkage, more evident on the left side in a group of relapsing noninstitutionalized male schizophrenic patients.