An automated microneutralization assay for the quantitative detection of neutralizing antibodies (NA) against polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses (NPEV) using a pipetting roboter (Tecan RSP 5072) was established and compared to the conventional manually performed test procedure. The qualitative neutralizing antibody detection was not significantly influenced by the assay system (manual or automated assay). Concerning the quantitative antibody detection, two-fold titre differences between the two test systems were observed in only 2.3% of the 260 serum samples investigated. The intra-assay and inter-assay variability of the quantitative detection of neutralizing antibodies using the automated assay proved to be very low. The quantitative detection of neutralizing antibodies using an automated pipetting robot permitted the testing of large numbers of samples within a shorter period and with less labour intensity as compared to the manually performed assay. Therefore it represents a valuable alternative to the conventional microneutralization test, especially for the serodiagnosis of non-polio enterovirus infections in large sample collectives, assessment of immunity to polioviruses and for seroepidemiological surveys.