Objectives: To assess the prevalence of autonomic dysfunction in cirrhosis and to observe the effect of disease severity on autonomic dysfunction.
Methods: Seventy patients with cirrhosis (Child's class A, 42; Child's class B, 10; and Child's class C, 15) (45 alcoholic, 15 primary biliary cirrhosis, five chronic active hepatitis, and eight idiopathic) underwent standard cardiovascular reflex tests. In addition, in 40 patients, 24-h ECG RR variability tests were performed to detect autonomic dysfunction.
Results: Forty-two of 70 (60%) patients had abnormalities of cardiovascular reflex function of varying severity, whereas 24 of 34 (70%) had 24-h RR counts with the 95% age-related tolerance. The prevalence of abnormality increased with increasing severity of liver disease but not with different etiologies.
Conclusion: Irrespective of etiology, there is a high prevalence of autonomic dysfunction in cirrhosis, and it is related to disease severity: the mechanism is unknown.