In order to improve epilepsy services, Doncaster Hospital doctors and general practitioners agreed upon a collaborative approach. A district epilepsy service was inaugurated around specialist services based in a hospital clinic. Guidelines were produced to clarify respective roles and to assist non-specialist hospital doctors and general practitioners in epilepsy management. A novel feature of the new service was the appointment of a community-based specialist liaison nurse. The new service is perceived to be effective, and the contribution of the specialist nurse to represent an important advance in epilepsy care. It has been possible to supervise complicated changes in medication successfully at home with a reduction in the need to attend clinic or GP. Counselling and support for patients and families, previously lacking, has been a major contribution. Evaluation to determine the extent to which the service meets the needs of those in the local population with epilepsy is planned. This document describes the first 5 years of the service and the scope and content of the specialist liaison nurse's role.