During the upgrading of the radiobiological facility at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) we found that uncorrected values of the proton energy were used in the past. This circumstance prompted us to perform the re-evaluation of the physical parameters for all the proton beams used in our previous radiobiological investigations (Belli et al. 1987) and, subsequently, the re-evaluation of all our previous dose-response curves for inactivation and mutation induction (Belli et al. 1989, 1991). This re-evaluation leads to significant changes in the dose-response curves and in the RBE-LET relationships only at the two lowest energies (highest LET) used. These two points are not reliable for the identification of a peak in RBE-LET relationship for cell inactivation. In spite of that, the extent of the changes is not such as to modify the general conclusion previously drawn, pointing out that there is a LET range where protons are more effective than alpha-particles.