To investigate the influence of the operative procedures of reconstruction after resection of esophageal cancer on the postoperative quality of life, an interview was conducted and subjective and objective factors related to the quality of life were evaluated in 50 patients without a recurrence of esophageal cancer. Among the 50 cases, reconstruction by the antethoracal route was performed in 9 (group I) and by the retrosternal route in 24 (group II). Intrathoracic anastomosis was done in 17 (group III). A postoperative disturbance of the food passage was seen 22.0, 41.6, and 5.9% in groups I, II, and III, respectively. Dumping symptom was evident 11.1, 12.5, and 11.8%, respectively. Heartburn was seen only in two cases, in group III. A body weight loss of more than 1.0 kg from preoperative weight was seen in 33.3, 41.7, and 41.2% of groups I, II, and III, respectively. There was no difference in the postoperative performance status or laboratory data among the groups. Thus, although intrathoracic anastomosis was favorable for postoperative food passage, there was no significant difference in any other factors in the quality of life among the routes of reconstruction, and the quality of life gradually improved in patients of all groups as postoperative time passed in the cases without postoperative recurrence of esophageal cancer.