A new enzyme immunometric assay of small haptens containing primary amino groups (thyroxine, MW 777; substance P, MW 1347; endothelin, MW 2492) is described. The procedure involves different sequential steps: (1) immunocapture of the haptens (standard or sample) by monoclonal anti-hapten antibodies coated on 96-well microtiter plates; (2) cross-linking of haptens via their amino groups to the wells using homobifunctional reagents (glutaraldehyde or disuccinimidyl suberate); (3) denaturing treatments (HCl or methanol); (4) measurement of linked epitope using the same monoclonal anti-hapten antibodies labeled with acetylcholinesterase. A minimal detectable concentration in the 4-10 fmoL/mL range was observed. Each assay appeared to be 70-200 times more sensitive than conventional competitive enzyme immunoassay using the same monoclonal antibody-coated plate technology and acetylcholinesterase-hapten conjugates as enzymatic tracers. Precision and specificity were very satisfying. Good correlation was noted between this assay and the competitive assays performed for different biological samples (plasma, tissues, or supernatant cell culture).