Objective: To evaluate the second look laparotomy in the treatment and management of epithelial ovarian carcinoma.
Design: A retrospective study (1979-1990).
Setting: Centre G.-F. Leclerc, Dijon.
Subjects: 88 patients underwent a 2e look laparotomy during the period. Most of them (69.3%) were stage III or IV cancers.
Results: The predictive value of a negative second look is of evidence: 5 years survival of 63% versus 4% if residual tumor is observed. Nevertheless the therapeutic value of a tumoral exenteration during the second look is not demonstrated: the 5 years survival is only of 7% for these patients.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates the importance of an appropriate surgery during the first look in the management of ovarian tumors. The contribution of the second look is primarily a prognostical contribution.