We have developed a compact, seal-less, all-purpose centrifugal pump, the Baylor C-Gyro pump, which is intended as a long-term ventricular assist device (VAD) as well as a cardiopulmonary bypass pump. In attaining this goal, we began with eliminating the shaft seals by adopting a pivot bearing system at the impeller shaft. In addition, a ring magnet encased in the bottom of the impeller was coupled magnetically to a driver magnet placed outside the pump housing (C1 Prototype). This first model yielded satisfactory performance in vitro with a flow rate of 8 L/min against 250 mm Hg at 2,400 rpm, and an index of hemolysis (IH) of 0.0083 g/100 L using bovine blood. In the second model, the C1 Eccentric Inlet Port Model, the inlet bearing support bar in the prototype were eliminated without reducing the prototype's performance. These designs for antithrombogenicity are being tested by the first in vivo experiment, which has lasted for more than 2 weeks.