Recurrent or persistent primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a rare occurrence requiring generally a careful reoperation. From 1980 to 1992 a total of 192 patients underwent bilateral cervical exploration following a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. Persistent of recurrent HPT was found in 6 (3.04%) of our cases. In two patients a subtotal parathyroidectomy was performed (parathyroid hyperplasia) and hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue was found at neck exploration. In one case an ectopic adenomatous fifth gland was found in mediastinum at reoperation. Three patients with recurrent HPT had a parathyroid carcinoma but in only two cases it was possible to identify and remove the pathologic tissue preoperatively localised in mediastinum by double-tracer scintigraphy and CT scan 6 and 15 months after first operation respectively. The third patient with parathyroid carcinoma was inoperable on account of multiple metastases both cervical and thoracic.