As CDDP-ip is known to affect intraperitoneal tumors directly, and reduce CDDP associated adverse reactions, it has been used not only for ovarian cancer but other intraperitoneal tumors. However ip chemotherapy requires catheter placement at the time of laparotomy. We investigated the complications of catheters as an intraperitoneal administration route. The subjects were 84 patients, 39 with temporary catheters and 45 with an implantable port and catheter system. Twenty-seven percent of the temporary catheter patients experienced complications--infection 8%, inflow obstruction 3%, leakage 5%, extrusion 8%, and severe pain 3%. Furthermore, a total of 22% of patients with an implantable port and catheter system experienced complications--inflow obstruction 9%, infection 2%, leakage 4%, and extrusion 7%. Fortunately, no serious complications were observed at our institutions, and the complication incidence seemed lower compared to that of other institutions.