Laparoscopic urological surgery is currently in a phase of development. In order to evaluate the possibility of treating vesicoureteric reflux by laparoscopy, we performed an elongation of the submucosal ureteric tract via an extravesical approach (Lich-Gregoir) in 4 pigs. After creating a pneumoperitoneum, 4 trocars were introduced into the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum was incised at the level of the iliac vessels and the ureter was released at its middle portion as far as the ureterovesical junction. After coagulation, the detrusor was then incised proximally in relation to the ureterovesical junction, revealing 3 to 4 cm of vesical mucosa. The ureter was buried in the muscular groove, the edges of which were brought together by means of 6 metal staples. In 3 pigs, the bladder and ureter were immediately removed by laparotomy. On macroscopic examination, the staples correctly approximated the muscle layer without transfixing the bladder mucosa or ureter. The patency of the ureter was assessed with a probe. The submucosal tract was sufficiently large, preventing any ureteric compression. In 1 pig, the ureteric meati were incised endoscopically to create reflux. After laparoscopic elongation of the submucosal tract on one side, only the untreated ureter continued to reflux. Correction of vesicoureteric reflux is technically feasible in the pig. Longer studies are necessary before considering the application of this technique to man.