A 68-year-old woman who complained of limited mandibular opening and left buccal swelling was admitted to our department. Histological examination of muscle biopsy specimens from the left buccal region revealed noncaseating granulomas. MR examination showed diffuse swelling and high signal intensity of the left masticatory muscles on T1- and T2-weighted images. Palpable nodules were present in the muscles of the body and the limbs. The ACE value was high and the lung biopsy specimens showed non-caseating granulomas. From these findings, the patient was diagnosed as having nodular type of muscular sarcoidosis complicated by contracture of the left masticatory muscles. There are some previous reports of nodular type of muscular sarcoidosis with flexion contracture of the fingers. Therefore, contracture of the muscles is suggested to be an important cause of muscular dysfunction in the disease.