We evaluated 120 patients with neurogenic bladder treated by clean intermittent self catheterization (CIC) in our department. These cases were divided into 2 groups: early treatment cases in which CIC started within 1 year after onset of dysuria, and late treatment cases in which CIC started after more than 1 year. Urinary tract infections (UTI) were recognized in 35% of the early treatment cases and 80% of the late treatment cases in the subsequent period. Pyelonephritis was experienced in 4% of the early treatment cases and 12% of the late treatment cases. Antibiotics therapy was considered unnecessary for asymptomatic UTIs. After CIC treatment, hydronephrosis detected by intravenous pyelography (IVP) and ultrasonography was improved in 18 of the 20 cases, and no cases showed deteriorated renal function. In the cases with neurogenic bladder after radical operations of the uterus or rectum, 45% of the early treatment cases have become free from CIC within 3 months postoperatively, and 84% eventually became free. Most of the late treatment cases have been continuing CIC. We considered that CIC was unnecessary when the residual urine was less than 100ml based on the periodical urinalysis and observation of renal function.