The present study demonstrates cell-specific distribution and describes distinct functional regulation of different adenylyl cyclases (AC, types I-VI) in rat pituitary cell tumor cell lines (GH12C1, GH3 and GH4C1 cells) and pituitary tissue. Northern-blot analysis revealed a distinct pattern of cell-specific expression of the different AC types; Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-insensitive AC type II was found in all cell lines tested except GH(1)2C1 cells. The Ca(2+)-inhibitable AC type VI was found in all cell types tested. We observed a lack of the Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC type I in GH3 and GH4C1 cells. GH(1)2C1 cells exclusively contained both Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC types I and III, the latter previously believed to be specific for olfactory tissue. An additional transcript of AC type III was found in rat brain and rat liver tissue. AC type IV, which is Ca2+/CaM insensitive, could be detected in the prolactin-producing GH3 and GH4C1 cells and pituitary tissue but not in growth-hormone-producing GH(1)2C1 cells. Basal and vasoactive-intestinal-peptide-(VIP)-releasing-hormone, somatostatin (SRIF) and thyrotropin-releasing-hormone (TRH)-modulation of AC activity was measured in the presence of 100 microM EGTA, anti-CaM serum (dilution 1:2000) or 10 microM trifluoroperazine. Antisera against guanine-nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) alpha subunits (G(i)-2 alpha, Gs alpha) and beta subunits (G beta 35/36) and CaM were added for functional studies of the SRIF and VIP-modulated AC in GH(1)2C1 and GH3 cells. These experiments indicate that the VIP and the SRIF receptors are coupled to a Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC in GH(1)2C1 cells, different from the AC involved in the regulation of cAMP levels in GH3 and GH4C1 cells. In addition, the beta gamma-complex is possibly able to modulate SRIF-inhibited AC activity by potentiating the inhibitory effect. The TRH receptor in GH3 and GH4C1 cells is coupled to a Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC which is different from the already cloned forms of AC types I and III. We, therefore, conclude that hormone regulation of pituitary tumour cell functions differs between the GH cell lines, due to specific utilisation of AC types.