Systolic dysfunction of the heart represents a state of "prerenal" azotemia, in which the excess of total body salt and water is redistributed to venous and interstitial fluid compartments. This results in a diminished effective circulating blood volume and thereby decreases tissue perfusion. The kidneys perceive the ineffective circulating volume and employ a complex series of interconnected hemodynamic and neurohumoral effector mechanisms to restore "adequate" perfusion. This is done by reclaiming a greater fraction of filtered sodium and water and elevating systemic vascular resistance to keep perfusion pressure to vital organs constant despite diminished cardiac output. Knowledge of the physiologic compensatory responses that occur in the kidneys of heart failure patients allows clinicians to develop a logical treatment plan. This knowledge should also help avoid a therapeutic misadventure by making it possible to exclude drugs known to adversely affect renal function in patients with a failing heart and poorly compensating kidneys.