The increasing shortage in allografts has led to a renewed interest in xenogeneic transplantation. Discordant combinations are characterized by hyperacute rejection partly due to the presence of natural antixenogeneic antibodies in the recipient. The aim of this work was to characterize the target antigens, using 2 discordant models. In the rat into guinea pig model, analysis of organ homogenates by immunoblotting revealed numerous bands. Some of these bands were organ specific, whereas others, namely in the 55-kDa region, were detected in liver, heart, lung, and kidney. Using membrane extracts of liver cells or of aortic endothelial cells, only bands of 55 kDa were revealed. No band could be seen using extracts of isolated hepatocytes. Two bands of 55 kDa disappeared after preabsorption of guinea pig sera on the various rat tissue homogenates, suggesting that they represent xenoantigens common to these tissues. In order to investigate the in vivo relevance of these 55-kDa antigens, isolated rat livers were perfused with decomplemented guinea pig sera. Eluates revealed one single print of 55 kDa on rat tissue homogenates. Finally, preincubation of rat mononuclear cells with various xenogeneic sera did not inhibit the binding of mAb specific for rat class I or class II MHC antigens, suggesting that the latter are not recognized by natural xenoantibodies. In the guinea pig to rat model, the antigens detected had a molecular mass ranging from 95 to 110 kDa. Absorption and perfusion experiments also showed that these antigens were common to various tissues and involved in the binding of rat natural antibodies ex vivo. In conclusion, our results indicate that rat xenoantigens of about 55 kDa are recognized by guinea pig natural antibodies, while guinea pig xenoantigens of 95-110 kDa are bound by rat natural antibodies. These antigens are common to liver, heart, lung, and kidney, are borne by endothelial cells, and cannot be found on hepatocytes.