Space adaptation syndrome (SAS), manifested by cephalad fluid shifts, spacial disorientation, nausea, and vomiting, is of varied expression and uncertain etiology. One theory is that fluid shift to the upper body alters the function of the vestibular apparatus to create an entity similar to Meniere's disease. Since clinical vestibular dysfunction syndromes are mirrored by altered cochlear function, this experiment was undertaken to study the relation between fluid redistribution and the auditory effects of initial antiorthostatic bed rest. Manual and bone audiometry, impedance tympanometry, and brain-stem evoked potentials were used to monitor auditory changes prior to, during, and following short term exposure to -6 degrees head down tilt. Impedance plethysmography was performed to assess the segmental and intracranial fluid redistribution and hemodynamic changes during short-term head down tilt simulated microgravity. Even though significant cephalad fluid shift produced marked intracranial congestion and the subjects exhibited SAS symptoms, no clinically significant changes in the auditory system could be detected.