Recent reports suggest that subjects who are heterozygous for the ataxia-telangiectasia gene are at increased risk of breast cancer. We conducted linkage analyses of 64 families with premenopausal bilateral breast cancer using DRD2, a marker linked to the ataxia-telangiectasia locus at 11q22-23. We assumed a model with dominant transmission of breast cancer. Lod scores summed over all families provided strong evidence against tight linkage (e.g., a lod score of -6.08 at theta = 0.00001), although a single family provides suggestive evidence of tight linkage to DRD2. Evidence against linkage to 11q was strongest among families that may involve the BRCA1 breast cancer susceptibility gene on 17q21. However, we did not observe evidence of linkage to 11q among the remaining subgroup with neither a family history of ovarian cancer nor the appearance of linkage to 17q21.