The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of administration of antibiotics to cows at dry-off in a low SCC herd. Cows were infused at dry-off with an intramammary antibiotic on the left or the right side of the udder. Selection of the infused quarters was random, and all people evaluating the occurrence of mastitis were unaware of which half of the udder was infused. The quarters that were infused with an antibiotic showed a significantly lower incidence of clinical mastitis in the dry period. Quarters that were uninfused had 10 cases of clinical mastitis versus 1 case in quarters that were infused with antibiotics. The quarters that were infused showed a reduction of minor pathogens at calving. The uninfused quarters showed little evidence of spontaneous cure during the dry period. Milk leaking was frequent during the drying off period. Milk leaking was also associated with the occurrence of clinical mastitis later in the dry period. Cows that leaked milk had a four times greater risk of clinical mastitis in the dry period.