The treatment of tracheo-bronchial stenosis or tracheomalacia is mainly carried out by means of resection or tracheoplastic operative strategies. Since the introduction of metal-mesh stents, a definitive endoluminal therapy has to be considered under new aspects. Six patients with malignant stenosis or tracheomalacia due to compression were treated by implantation of Palmaz- or Wallstents. Immediately after the implantation, patients were relieved from dyspnoea, the forced inspiratory volume-1 (FIV1) was normalized. All implanted stents were well tolerated, even in the long-time follow-up (19 months). Bronchoscopic control showed overgrowth of the metal meshes by respiratory epithelium. The implantation of metal-mesh stents is an adequate alternative in the treatment of malignant stenosis and tracheomalacia.