TGR(mREN2)27 is a new monogenetic rat model with fulminant hypertension, low kidney renin, and high extrarenal renin gene expression. This study characterizes and compares expression of the Ren-2 gene in TGR(mREN2)27 with that in DBA/2 mice and with renin gene expression in rats. Except in the submandibular gland, the tissue-specific expression of Ren-2 is similar in TGR(mREN2)27 and DBA/2. This demonstrates maintenance of tissue specificity. Organs that are involved in cardiovascular regulation, such as the adrenal gland, kidney, and brain, express the Ren-2 gene before hypertension has developed, consistent with the possibility of a causal relationship between transgene expression in these tissues and hypertension. Because these tissues express the renin gene in nontransgenic rats as well, we suggest that this model can be used to study the regulation of renin gene expression and its role in hypertension at these sites. In addition, as an indication that interactions may exist between blood pressure and renin gene expression, we describe reciprocal changes in blood pressure and Ren-2 mRNA levels in the kidney and brain.