This review covers recent literature relevant to breech presentation. Some have advocated routine elective cesarean delivery of the breech fetus of any gestational age to reduce the alleged increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with breech presentation. This indication for cesarean delivery accounts for approximately 15% of all cesarean deliveries and costs society approximately US$ 1.4 billion per year. As a result of concerns with vaginal breech delivery, external cephalic version in the term fetus has become well accepted. A new scoring system has been developed to predict the success of external cephalic version. Repeated external cephalic version has been shown to be successful. Careful ultrasound continues to be important before the procedure. It has been suggested that magnetic resonance pelvimetry may be a practical alternative in evaluating candidates for breech vaginal delivery. There is still no compelling prospective data supporting cesarean delivery for preterm breech presentation. Legal considerations have prevented many from attempting vaginal breech delivery, even in carefully selected patients.