A morphology index based on morphologic characteristics of ovarian tumors was developed. Specific categories included tumor volume, wall structure, and septal structure. A point scale (0-4) was developed within each category with the total points per evaluation varying from 0-12. Sonograms on 121 patients undergoing exploratory laparotomy for ovarian masses were evaluated using this index. Eighty ovarian tumors had a morphology index score < 5, and all were benign (negative predictive value, 1.000). In postmenopausal patients, a morphology index score > or = 5 had a positive predictive value for malignancy of 0.45. All ovarian malignancies had significant abnormalities in wall structure and all had a total volume in excess of 10 cm3. The findings of the present investigation indicate that the morphology index is a cost effective adjuvant method which significantly increases the specificity and positive predictive value of transvaginal sonography. The routine application of a morphology index to screening sonography should decrease the amount of diagnostic surgery performed in order to detect each case of ovarian cancer.