Human mistakes are a major source of error from the definition to the execution of a treatment planning. An unrevealed serious human error can cause therapy to fail therefore it is of fundamental importance to eliminate serious human errors during MU calculation. In this work the human error incidence in MU calculation is evaluated by an independent check. The investigation refers to 1,926 controls collected in about 18 months. Serious daily errors rate (errors causing a 5%, or higher, discrepancy on the daily reference dose) was 1.4% (27/1926). Serious global errors incidence (errors causing a 5%, or higher, discrepancy on the total reference dose) was 0.9% (15/1,731). The data show that the human error in MU calculation is not negligible; they also indicate the value of the independent control of MU, which is an important tool for quality assurance in radiotherapy (like in vivo dosimetry and portal imaging.