During the 19-year period from 1970 to 1988, 289 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue were diagnosed in Western Sweden. In 230 of these, treatment regimens and results were analysed in an attempt to define prognostic factors for local control and survival. Tumour stages were: T1 26%, T2 32%, T3 30% and T4 13%. Nodal disease was seen in 32% of the patients. Sixty per cent of the patients had surgery, 74% external with or without combination with interstitial irradiation; and 32% received chemotherapy. The local control rate at five years was 59% (T1 66%, T2 67%, T3 44% and T4 0%). Survival at five years was 37% (T1 61%, T2 51%, T3 19% and T4 0%). By a multivariate procedure we demonstrate that the tumour related variables T-category, N-category and extension to the tonsillar region had a significant association with survival. Extension to the tonsillar region, extension to the floor of the mouth and level of neck nodes were significantly associated with local-regional control.