Since their introduction in clinical practice, antigliadin antibodies (AGA) have simplified the diagnostic iter of coeliac disease. In addition they have allowed us to recognize an even high number of new cases and also to identify new clinical forms. While AGA are widely used in the diagnostic phase, their determination during follow-up of the disease has been always limited. With the present work we observe the behaviour of AGA during the various phases of coeliac disease. The study was carried out on 288 coeliac children divided as follows: 96 at diagnosis, 136 on gluten-free-diet (75 diet adherent and 61 non adherent) and 56 on gluten-challenge. 145 healthy children were also studied as a control group. In all children AGA (IgA and IgG) were determined, with a micro-ELISA method, every two months in the children on gluten-free-diet and monthly in the children on gluten-challenge. Data obtained showed AGA behaviour strictly related to the diet. In fact while children with good compliance to the diet had AGA normalization within the 2nd and 6th month, respectively for IgA and IgG, children with poor adherence to diet had constantly positive AGA. Noteworthy was the AGA behaviour during challenge. Gluten introduction determined a rapid increase of IgA and a slow increase of IgG. Our results confirm the usefulness of AGA determination during the follow-up of coeliac children giving us the possibility to avoid one or more biopsies included in the ESPGAN protocol.