Objectives: To describe the client characteristics and nature of services provided by women's health nurses and to examine whether the goals set for the service are being met.
Design: A retrospective study of women's health nurse (WHN) records from 1987 to 1991.
Setting and subjects: All women attending the women's health nurse in the Southern Sydney Area Health Service, 1987 to 1991. Older women and women of non English-speaking background are specific targets for this service.
Outcome measures: Pap test and breast self-examination practices were examined in relation to age and ethnic background. Use of general practitioner services was examined for all women attending the women's health nurse in 1991.
Results: Forty-five per cent of clients were aged over 50, and 29 per cent were from a non English-speaking background. Older women were more likely to return for subsequent visits to the women's health nurse. The practice of breast self-examination increased significantly between visits among all women. Forty-one per cent of women had not had a Pap test for at least three years, 93 per cent of these women were screened at their first visit. Eighty-seven per cent of women on their first visit and 86 per cent of women revisiting the women's health nurse had seen their general practitioner within the previous year.
Conclusion: Women's health nurses are meeting the goals set for their service in relation to health promotion and the screening of women. Their services are perceived by their clients as complementary to those provided by their general practitioners.