Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) involves a computerized analysis of radiographs that is used as a "second opinion" by the radiologist. The approach presented incorporates computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques and includes schemes for the analysis of lung nodules, interstitial infiltrates, and cardiomegaly seen on chest radiographs; masses and clustered microcalcifications on mammograms; and stenoses and blood flow on angiograms. The demonstration of various CAD schemes in chest radiography and mammography on a six-monitor workstation simulates one possible clinical implementation of CAD in radiology. Whether soft- or hard-copy display media are used, the radiologist can refer to the CAD results and still use the original radiograph for the final diagnosis. Although initial impressions of this simulated "intelligent" workstation are encouraging, CAD is still in a preliminary stage of development. Various methods for effectively and efficiently integrating CAD into a clinical radiology department are being investigated.