Regional blood-to-brain lactate transport was studied in chloral hydrate anesthetized rats using the single pass, dual-label, indicator fractionation, right atrial injection method. Lactate influx was resolved into two components, a saturable, stereospecific (to the L-enantiomer) component and a non-saturable, non-stereospecific diffusional component. The saturable component was found to have a low efficiency and moderate capacity with transport affinity coefficients between 6 and 14 mM and transport maxima of 23-40 mumol/100 g/min in the various brain regions. Lactate transport was not inhibited by probenecid. The diffusional component was determined from D-lactate influx measurements and the regional linear diffusion coefficients ranged from 0.020 to 0.036 ml/g/min. At the usual levels of plasma lactate (1-1.5 mM) these two influx components were about equal. The relative contribution of the non-stereospecific diffusional component was increased at higher plasma lactate concentrations. Lactate clearance, estimated by the total apparent permeability x surface area products was between 6 and 8 ml/100 g/min.