A 60-year-old man with poorly controlled bronchial asthma was proposed for an emergency appendectomy. His preoperative chest X-P revealed that his left lung was completely collapsed with pneumothorax, but its onset was unclear. Following the left thoracocentesis, appendectomy was performed under general anesthesia (oxygen-halothane). About one hour after the thoracocentesis, pinkish foamy tracheal secretion was massively drained and its protein concentration was 3.8 g.dl-1.PaCO2 was 95 mmHg and PaO2 was 69 mmHg (FIO2 1.0). His chest X-P showed signs of pulmonary edema in his left lung and infiltrating shadow was observed in his right lung. IMV with PEEP, aminophylline and prednisolone improved his respiratory status and on the 11 th day he was weaned from the respirator. In a case of pneumothorax with unclear duration like ours, it is necessary to consider the possibility of the reexpansion pulmonary edema.