In cells of the fibroblastoid line SV-80, rapid down-modulation of TNF binding in response to TNF itself, or to IL-1, was followed by a gradual recovery of binding, which occurred even in the continuous presence of the cytokines. Untreated cells carried mainly the 55-kDa receptor species. In cells treated with TNF or IL-1, the 55-kDa TNF-R, although increasing after initial down-modulation, remained lower than before treatment. Expression of the 75-kDa TNF-R species upon treatment with either cytokine was markedly increased. Both TNF and IL-1 also induced a strong increase of the mRNA for the 75-kDa receptors, whereas the amount of mRNA for the 55-kDa receptors decreased. The effects of TNF on cell surface expression of the TNF-R could not be blocked with antibodies to IL-1, nor could the effects of IL-1 be blocked with antibodies to TNF, indicating that each cytokine affects the cell surface expression of the receptors independently of the other. Applying both cytokines together resulted in much stronger increase in expression of the 75-kDa TNF-R than applying each alone. Similar changes in cell surface expression and mRNA levels of the two TNF-R as observed in SV-80 cells were also found in TNF and IL-1-treated human foreskin fibroblasts. It is suggested that these sustained changes in the pattern of receptor expression contribute to the adjustment of the cellular response to TNF when formation of TNF and IL-1 takes place over a prolonged period.