125 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were treated by transarterial approach. Of these cases, 25 cases were treated by transarterial infusion of anticarcinogens (TAI), 44 by transarterial infusion of the emulsion of anticarcinogens and ultra fluid lipiodol (LP-TAE), 57 by LP-TAE combined with gelfoam sponge particle embolization (LP-TAE + GS), and 4 by LP-TAE plus surgical resection (LP-TAE + SU), and 41 cases (32.8%) survived more than 2 years, and 28 (22%) were alive with nonviable tumors. The survival rate (SR) of small expansive tumors was 75%, large expansive tumors 39%, diffusive (multifocal and infiltrative) tumors 0%, expansive tumors with diameter of 5-10cm 44%, > 10cm 31%. The SR of hypervascular tumors was 38% and hypovascular tumor 5%. The SR of the tumors with numerous small caliber vessels and deep staining 83%, with draining vein of wide caliber 28%, and with A-V shunt 0%. The SR of the tumors with portal venous tumor thrombi was 2.7% and those without 78%. The SR of the patients classified as grade A of Child's system was 58%, B 32% and C 0%, and that of the patients treated with LP-TAE + GS and LP-TAE + Su wa 65% and 75.0% respectively. The SR of the patients treated 1, 2 and 3 times was 33%, 74% and 75% respectively.