Ultrasonography (US) can ben used to study the hand thanks to small-parts probes whose frequency ranges 7.5 MHz to 20 MHz. Due to the complex hand anatomy, the clinician often needs further data relative to periskeletal soft tissues and vessels, which are provided by color Doppler US. Our personal series included 465 patients and a group of 20 healthy volunteers. A silicon pad was used to ensure max. adhesion to probe surface, given the uneven surface of the examined structures. Besides normal anatomic patterns, US demonstrated pathologic features in tendons, sheaths and muscles. As for tendons, stenosing and hypertrophic-exudative tenosynovites were depicted, as well as cysts and ruptures. As for muscles, the main findings were ruptures and, rarely, tumors. Relative to joints, arthrogenous ganglia and rheumatism were observed. Finally, the carpal tunnel syndrome was accurately investigated, where US revealed tenovaginalitis with sheath thickening and deformed and compressed median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Also the benign and malignant masses whose primary location is the nervous tissue are easily demonstrated on US, their typical shape being ovalar. To conclude, US proved extremely accurate in all the surgical patients, exhibiting 100% sensitivity in all of them; its specificity ranged from 84% for tendons, to 81% for muscles, 79% for nervous tissues and finally 82% for joint disorders.