We have characterized several Human Specific (HS) Alu insertions as either dimorphic (TPA25, PV92, APO), slightly dimorphic (C2N4 and C4N4) or monomorphic (C3N1, C4N6, C4N2, C4N5, C4N8) based on studies of Caucasian, Asian, American Black and African Black populations. Our approach is based upon: 1) PCR amplification using primers complementary to the unique DNA sequences that flank the site of insertion of the different Alu elements studied; 2) gel electrophoresis and scoring according to the presence or absence of an Alu insertion in one or both homologous chromosomes; 3) allele frequencies determined by gene counting and compared to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Our DNA fingerprinting procedure using PCR amplification of diallelic polymorphic (dimorphic) Human Specific Alu insertions, may be used as a tool for genetic mapping, to characterize populations, study human migrational patterns, and track the inheritance of human genetic disorders.