Based on previous cross-sectional findings, we hypothesized that weight loss could improve several hemostatic factors associated with cardiovascular disease. In a randomized controlled trial, moderately overweight men and women were assigned to one of four weight loss treatment groups or to a control group. Measurements of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) antigen, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) antigen, D-dimer antigen, factor VII activity, fibrinogen, and protein C antigens were made at baseline and after 6 months in 90 men and 88 women. Net treatment weight loss was 9.4 kg in men and 7.4 kg in women. There was no net change (p > 0.05) in D-dimer, fibrinogen, or protein C with weight loss. Significant (p < 0.05) decreases were observed in the combined treatment groups compared with the control group for mean PAI-1 (31% decline), t-PA antigen (24% decline), and factor VII (11% decline). Decreases in these hemostatic variables were correlated with the amount of weight lost and the degree that plasma triglycerides declined; these correlations were stronger in men than women. These findings suggest that weight loss can improve abnormalities in hemostatic factors associated with obesity.