We have previously published a two-dimensional (2-D) mapping technique for N-linked oligosaccharides using pyridylaminated derivatives (PA-oligosaccharides) (N. Tomiya et al. Anal. Biochem. 171, 73-90, 1988). We now report an extension of this method to GalNAc-containing N-linked oligosaccharides. The new 2-D map was prepared from the elution data of 40 different GalNAc-containing oligosaccharides, 16 of which were obtained directly from human urinary kallidinogenase by digestion with glycopeptidase A. The other 24 oligosaccharides were derived by subsequent digestion of the 16 original oligosaccharides with beta-galactosidase or alpha-fucosidase. Each of the 40 oligosaccharide derivatives was separated by high-performance liquid chromatography using ODS-silica and amide-silica columns. The 2-D map constructed by plotting elution position of each oligosaccharide (expressed in terms of glucose units) can be useful as such in delineating the structure of an unknown oligosaccharide by direct placement of its elution positions in the 2-D map. Multiple regression analysis of the data as performed previously yielded parameters related to the contribution of each component monosaccharide unit to the elution profile. The best results were obtained when the GalNAc-containing PA-oligosaccharides were classified into an F-series (those containing Fuc alpha 6GlcNAc-PA) and a Z-series (all others), based on our previous classification method. These calculated values are useful in predicting oligosaccharide structure from known elution values as well as to predict elution volumn from a known structure. The structure of a minor GalNAc-containing oligosaccharide in human urinary kallidinogenase was elucidated using these newly calculated values.