Two related zinc finger (ZNF) gene clusters from the pericentromeric region of human chromosome 10, defined by cDNAs of the KOX series, have been cloned in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages. Included in cluster A are the ZNF gene sequences ZNF11A, ZNF33A, and ZNF37A, while cluster B comprises the related sequences ZNF11B, ZNF33B and ZNF37B. Genes from both clusters are expressed: cDNAs KOX2, KOX31 and KOX21 derive from ZNF11B, ZNF33A and ZNF37A, respectively. Further YACs have been isolated which link ZNF11A and ZNF33A to another gene, ZNF25, defined by cDNA clone KOX19. Therefore ZNF25 also forms part of cluster A, but has no counterpart in cluster B. Surprisingly, the KOX ZNF gene clusters are located on opposite sides of the centromere: cluster A maps to 10p11.2, while cluster B is in 10q11.2. This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication. The evolution of this subset of KOX ZNF genes has therefore involved three types of genetic event: local gene duplication, gene cluster duplication, and chromosome rearrangement.