Previous studies from our institution have shown that neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), whose best postductal PaO2 (BPDPO2) was less than 100 mm Hg while on maximal conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV), had a mortality exceeding 90%. When combined with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), the mortality rose to 100% in those infants who developed hypercarbia following decannulation. Historically, those patients have required increasing ventilator support, leading to iatrogenic lung damage, and eventual death. Intratracheal pulmonary ventilation (ITPV) using the reverse thrust catheter (RTC) developed by Kolobow incorporates a continuous flow of humidified gas through a reverse Venturi catheter positioned at the distal end of the endotracheal tube. In animal studies, ITPV was shown to result in a reduced physiological dead-space (VD), to facilitate expiration, and to enhance CO2 elimination. In our current study, we have applied ITPV in two neonates with CDH who could not be weaned from ECMO because of uncontrollable hypercapnia, and who met above criteria for 100% mortality. In both cases, ITPV restored normal PaCO2 at low peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) with a substantial decrease in VD. We believe ITPV is suited to ventilating newborns with CDH in whom barotrauma is known to be common. Beyond its present use, ITPV may be useful to ventilate children with other forms of respiratory failure, and should be so considered along with other now available methods of mechanical pulmonary ventilation.