Eleven patients with vestibular neuronitis were followed up from 1988 to 1990. The relationship between the GBST and other vestibular examinations was investigated. Vertiginous symptoms showed relative improvement, but in the last medical examination 4 out of 11 cases (36.4%) complained of unsteadiness when their head was rotated and fatigued. Seven patients (63.6%) presented spontaneous and positional nystagmus at the first consultation, but only one patient (9.1%) at the last one. Seven patients (63.6%) showed canal paresis to caloric stimulation, while 3 (27.3%) showed normal responses. In the galvanic body sway test (GBST), 9 patients (81.8%) showed abnormal thresholds. There was no significant relationship between vertiginous symptoms in the last medical examination and prodromes, vertigo type, nystagmus, righting reflex, caloric stimulation or the results of the GBST.