To resolve the problem of whether nail is formed continuously along the length of the nail bed as well as by the germinal matrix, nail thickness was measured at six anatomical points along the length of 20 normal big toe-nails removed after injury. Nail water content was constant at 9-10% along the nail length, and the nails did not shrink with dehydration. Approximately 79% of nail thickness was contributed by the nail matrix, and 21% by the nail bed. The rate of nail production was constant at 0.13 mm/mm along the lunula and 0.027 mm/mm along the whole bed from the distal lunula to the point of separation at the onychodermal band; the fractional change in linear growth and thickness showed less variation than absolute change. The continuous production of nail by the bed provides a simple biological solution to the problem of attachment of a continuously moving plate. It provides a source of entry of drugs into the distal nail plate, and a rationale for the use of much shorter courses of antifungal drugs than previously believed possible.