Volumes of the mesiotemporal structures (hippocampus-amygdala complex) were measured in 19 men who were chronic multiepisode schizophrenics and 18 age-matched healthy controls using T1-weighted contiguous coronal magnetic resonance images of 3.1-mm width. Using the level of the mammillary bodies as an anatomical landmark, the whole hippocampus-amygdala complex was divided into an anterior section (mainly containing amygdaloid tissue) and a posterior section (mainly containing the hippocampal formation). Total mesiotemporal tissue volume was reduced significantly in the patient group compared to controls (-11%), with significant reductions in both left (-20%) and right (-15%) hippocampal sections. Reduced limbic tissue volume was associated with increased severity of psychopathology. Severity of positive psychotic symptoms (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale [BPRS] psychosis factor) was correlated significantly with right and left total mesiotemporal volumes (Spearman rho's = -0.61 p < 0.01). Negative symptom scores (BPRS anergia factor, Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms [SANS] global items) were not significantly correlated with any mesiotemporal tissue volumes. The data corroborate and extend previous findings of temporolimbic structure volume reduction in schizophrenia, and suggest that the positive psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with anatomic anomalies in mesiotemporal structure.