Based on reports that Gd-DTPA contributes to the detection of tumors, we used it in 31 cases (97 lesions) of spinal bone metastases. The result was that Gd-DTPA increased the intensity of tumors and the surrounding bone marrow to almost the same level in 53%. To show the metastases clearly, an existing subtraction command system was utilized. The technique included the pixel-by-pixel method, to obtain a Gd-DTPA T1-weighted image (T1WI) subtracted by the original T1WI. The detectability of the subtraction image was improved up to 96%, but was less than the original T1WI (99%). Because of the different imaging rationale between two methods, a means to assess the quality of diagnosis must be proposed. To check the normal background, the same kind of postprocessing was performed in 21 patients without malignancy. Gd-DTPA perfusion was highest in the paravertebral veins, moderate in muscles and epidural fat, and lowest in the spinal cord, intervertebral disk and bone cortex. Gd-DTPA enhanced subtraction MR imaging provides a new diagnostic tool to detect and to assess bone metastasis.